Patent Valuation, Monetization and Investments


Markman Advisors Patent Blog

by Zachary Silbersher

Posts tagged ITC
Google’s policy statement on patent reform reiterates its desire that patents should be worthless.

On April 28, Google published a policy statement on the need for specific patent reforms. The statement was published by Google’s General Counsel, Halimah DeLaine Prado, and titled, Reforming the patent system to support American innovation. The statement is a notable read given that it issued from one of the largest Big Tech companies. The statement identifies four concrete areas where patent reform is purportedly required. Behind its prescriptions lingers its agenda—namely, that patents should have no value at all.

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What is the status of the iRobot v. SharkNinja patent war?

I previously blogged about the patent tussle between iRobot and SharkNinja when the dispute originally erupted in late 2019. At the time, the prevalent concern was that iRobot would secure a quick injunction against SharkNinja’s sales in advance of the critical holiday shopping season. More than two years on, what started as a single pre-emptive suit commenced by Shark Ninja has ballooned into a multi-front war over whether SharkNinja is infringing iRobot’s patents. This has involved multiple litigations filed in district court, scores of invalidity proceedings filed at the Patent Office, and an investigation commenced before the International Trade Commission. What is the status of this ongoing patent war?

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